Wednesday, 30 September 2009

kleeneze Alison Gordon Farleigh story

kleeneze Alison Gordon Farleigh story
for there picture and cheque click HERE

As a newly-single mum of two little boys, I was struggling to juggle a corporate career life with bringing up my children.

I resented the time they spent away from me, and that the only time we had together we were all tired and irritable; however

I needed the income that my job brought in, and could see no alternative.

I had seen the Kleeneze opportunity, but didn’t really think I could make it work with my other commitments.

As work pressure increased I decided that I would start my Kleeneze business – seeing it as a way out of the rat race, and

was pleased to find that I COULD make it work alongside everything else I had on In December I received a shock – I was made

redundant having given 10 years of my life to the same company in the software industry.

However, I decided that this was the best thing that could have happened to me, as I now had the opportunity to grow my

Kleeneze business whilst looking after my children.

I am now building my business, seeing my team and income grow as a reward for the effort that I have put in.

I know that I will never have to return to the corporate world and pay someone else to bring up my children, and I have

Kleeneze to thank for it
kleeneze  is long for retailers and team builders in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or for free dvd click HERE

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