Wednesday, 30 September 2009

kleeneze Alison Gordon Farleigh story

kleeneze Alison Gordon Farleigh story
for there picture and cheque click HERE

As a newly-single mum of two little boys, I was struggling to juggle a corporate career life with bringing up my children.

I resented the time they spent away from me, and that the only time we had together we were all tired and irritable; however

I needed the income that my job brought in, and could see no alternative.

I had seen the Kleeneze opportunity, but didn’t really think I could make it work with my other commitments.

As work pressure increased I decided that I would start my Kleeneze business – seeing it as a way out of the rat race, and

was pleased to find that I COULD make it work alongside everything else I had on In December I received a shock – I was made

redundant having given 10 years of my life to the same company in the software industry.

However, I decided that this was the best thing that could have happened to me, as I now had the opportunity to grow my

Kleeneze business whilst looking after my children.

I am now building my business, seeing my team and income grow as a reward for the effort that I have put in.

I know that I will never have to return to the corporate world and pay someone else to bring up my children, and I have

Kleeneze to thank for it
kleeneze  is long for retailers and team builders in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or for free dvd click HERE

Monday, 28 September 2009

kleeneze, bulk sales period 9 2009

kleeneze bulk sales period 2009

here is the full list of gold and above from period 9 2009 click HERE
kleeneze is the only mlm company that i have seen that shows the turnover figures
every 4 weeks and proud to show that products retail to the public

kleeneze has now expanded in ireland and new market netherlands and germany
however we still need thousands of agent , avon in the uk have 165,000 reps and kleeneze
only has 5,000 placing order every weeks

tupperware in germany is there best market , compare that to the kleeneze product ranage and marketing plan,
kleeneze is a massive opportunity, to join or want a free dvd click HERE

above figure are correct 28september 2009

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

care homes north tyneside

care homes north tyneside
monk haven in cullercoats mest have one of the best views in the northeast
click here

the staff are and old people are happy, isabel brown is 109 and must be one of the oldest people in the northeast
here is the telephone number 0191 2521967

kleeneze Ian Wakefield story

kleeneze Ian Wakefield story

here is ian picture and cheque click here here
I started my Kleeneze business when my sponsor posted a catalogue through my door.

I had looked at the business before and whilst it looked good I was very sceptical of the reality of incomes and the support I would get.

I had been involved in other home shopping catalogues and found the restrictions in the way they operated also restricted my income.

My sponsor explained when he collected the catalogue the very next day that although he had only been involved for a few weeks he was able to earn more than he was first shown and that the support he was receiving from the group also exceeded what he expected.

I joined with the aim of earning an extra £50 a week which was easily achieved in my first full month.

As you can see from my cheques I achieved over £500 income in my second month.

I have now been involved for 2 years and am enjoying both the freedom I have to work when I want and also help others to achieve what they want.

I have a growing team and the future is exciting for everyone.

If you need extra cash quickly and then want to earn extra cash regularly you have just got to follow a simple system and enjoy working for yourself!!

kleeneze need thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join kleeneze or for a free dvd click HERE

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

kleeneze simon allen and fran westmoreland story

kleeneze simon allen and fran westmoreland story
for there picture and cheque click here
We started Kleeneze in March 2007. Fran had completed various IT college courses and found herself with little idea of what she wanted to do with her life.

Simon spent an age (eight years) studying at Uni only to find the job he was training for in Germany was not as it seemed due to stress/pressure/no time even if well paid.

After returning to the UK to be with Fran, Simon was dreading finding another stressful corporate science job. But what else could he do as he was quite specialised?

It seemed the 45 year plan had to go ahead. However, one day a Kleeneze catalogue dropped through the letterbox and as a stop-gap to pay some bills, Simon filled in the “Wanted“ slip even if he was quite embarrassed about it.

We were very dubious about the whole Kleeneze concept and did not see the bigger picture for several months.

Through (eventually!) attending trainings/meetings we finally clicked and recently started to move up a gear. We now know there’s a lot of potential in this business and many normal people have inspired us with their amazing stories at the conferences/meetings.

Simon originally thought all a Kleeneze conference was going to do was bring us was detailed knowledge on the latest range of mops but thankfully this was not the case!

They are an absolute must and really help you keep on track focus- and momentum-wise.

It’s bizarre to be surrounded by positive helpful people in this business – people who just want to help you achieve your goals. There really is no comparison to the normal “job” were stressed out, negative, unhelpful people end up dragging you down.

You have fantastic support from the group to get to wherever you want to be.

Bring it on!!

kleeneze is looking for thousand of agents and team builders to join or
want free dvd click here

Monday, 21 September 2009

kleeneze emily bate story

kleeneze emily bate story

for emily bate picture click

After moving into my first house, it won’t surprise you to say that money was tight.

Going from having a full time income to spend on whatever I wanted to having just a few pounds left in the bank at the end of the month (if I was lucky!) was getting me down.

After a friend of mine, Alan Bennett started Kleeneze, I thought it’d be perfect to give me a few extra pounds each month to spend on the luxuries in life!!!

It didn’t take long for me to realise that this was much more than a chance to earn an extra £50 a week, which I had initially hoped for - it could actually be life changing!

In my first 4 weeks, I had reached my 10% bonus and had introduced someone else (my Dad!), who after seeing how well I had been doing, decided to get started and take part in the opportunity himself.

This couldn’t have come at a better time for me, as my hours at work are being reduced to part-time in June, I am taking this as the perfect opportunity to build my Kleeneze business!
due to tv adverts we are looking for more reps in uk, ireland, netherland and germany
to join or for free dvd click HERE

kleeneze michael ogdens story

kleeneze michael ogdens story

here is a video of michael click here

michael used to work high up in banking in the city

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and new markets germany

to join or want a free dvd click here

Sunday, 20 September 2009

kleeneze tv advertising starts 21 sept 2009

kleeneze tv advertising starts 21 sept 2009

here is the advert HERE

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents and team builds in uk, ireland , netherlands and german

to join or want free dvd click HERE

 to read more stories on kleeneze click here

kleeneze Katie and Bryan Allnutt story

kleeneze Katie and Bryan Allnutt story
for there kleeneze cheque and picture click here

We joined Kleeneze in November 2005 needing to boost our dwindling bank balance.

Our eldest daughter had married earlier in the year and had now presented us with a grandson.

No 2 daughter was planning to marry in August 2006 and we needed to find a way to earn some extra cash. Weddings don’t come cheap!

Bryan answered an ad in the paper which turned out to be Kleeneze. After seeing that we could work the business around our present jobs, I work part-time as a receptionist and Bryan runs his own full time insurance brokerage, we started putting out the catalogues and soon saw that we could earn an extra couple of hundred pounds a month.

This really helped us and we made every effort to attend the meetings and events that were available to us and began to realise that this ‘Kleeneze’ business really works. We saw evidence of foreign travel, beautiful cars and a way to earn a living beyond our highest expectations.

The people we are meeting in the business are just like us, ordinary people who are achieving extraordinary things, and having fun doing it.

We love this business and are so glad we answered the ad in the paper.

The potential for earning is endless, determined by the amount of effort you put into your business.

We have now have set our goals and we know that whatever we want from our future, we know Kleeneze will help us achieve it..

kleeneze need thousand of agents and team builders in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
for free dvd or to join click HERE

Saturday, 19 September 2009

kleeneze Allan and Chris Rockey story

kleeneze Allan and Chris Rockey story
for there kleeneze income cheque and picture click here

A few years ago both Chris and I were looking for an opportunity to earn extra money.

Having been through the traumas of redundancy, unemployment and a business closure it made us realise that we needed a way to claw back lost income and savings and prepare for old age.

Chris was a secretary at a university and I was Operations Manager with a software consultancy earning a good salary but still needed to claw back lost earnings and repay debt incurred by my business closure.

Chris saw a card in a shop window, rang the number and a week later, when we had raised the capital needed to buy our retail kit, we were off and away.

The opportunity has proved every bit as promising as it first appeared and our income steadily rose over time. Eventually, we know that in time this will replace our current incomes and give us the flexibility for which we long.

In many ways, I wish I had had such an opportunity when I was out of work for some fifteen months.

Not only would it have provided a small, but nevertheless, welcome, income it would have given me a sense of purpose for the day.

We are frequently asked, ‘what’s the catch’? Two words, we reply – hard work!!

This really is an opportunity to take control of your life and achieve the goals that you set and not satisfy the goals of others.
kleeneze is looking for agents in uk, ireland , netherlands and germany,
to join or want free dvd click here

Thursday, 17 September 2009

kleeneze Simon and Ruth Tallon story

kleeneze Simon and Ruth Tallon story
for there picture and cheque click here

We started Kleeneze on 1st November 2006, just to give us an extra £50 a week to help boost our income as Simon had lost his well paid job due to his disability and had to take a lower paid job to support our three children.

In October 2006 Simon was looking for alternative employment and replied to adverts in the Leicester Mercury. We were shown the Kleeneze opportunity which we had previously looked at some years earlier, and felt that with the enthusiasm and the opportunity shown to us that this was too good to miss a second time.

We dropped our catalogues in our local area and in the area our children went to school and quickly qualified for our 10% bonus level and received a cheque of £213 part-time.

By September 2007 our income had risen to £516.61 and qualified at 13%, both of us still working part-time around the children and their hospital appointments.

Instead of us both working full-time in our previous jobs and missing each other and our children growing up. We now both work the business part-time which replaced Ruth’s full time income.

We are now starting to build our own team so that we can help people like us to achieve their goals and dreams, whilst also achieving our own..

We know that this business works and if we can do this with 2 children with special needs and with Simon suffering from multiple sclerosis and being wheelchair bound, then anyone can do it!

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or want free dvd click here

kleeneze Samantha Drew and Jamie Whitaker story

kleeneze Samantha Drew and Jamie Whitaker story
for there picture and cheque click here

At the end of 2005 my mum and dad joined Kleeneze, I saw the potential of earning lots of money and I currently wasn’t enjoying my job.

They bought me my business kit in January 2006 for my birthday. I started with only 50 catalogues and would put them out

in my hour dinner break. My friends thought I was crazy but that made me want to show them even more that this opportunity


It was slow going with only 50 books but as I gained more orders I was able to buy more books. I also started a new job and in the same month gained my 10%. I was so happy, new job and an extra income.

I continued to retail, which was how I met Jamie when posting a book through his door. We haven’t looked back since, he has joined my distributorship and I have quit my job. We plan to be able to sack Jamie’s boss as well, in the very near future. The world is our oyster, the more I get excited about the business, the more I want to tell people and this in turn moves our

business forward.

Not only have we got an amazing income opportunity, but I also found love.

So whatever you’re looking for, Kleeneze is definitely for anyone..

kleeneze are looking for thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and now germany
for free dvd or to join ckick here

kleeneze Jess Clements and Chris Strutt story

kleeneze Jess Clements and Chris Strutt story
for there picture and cheque click here

In February 2008 Jess was looking for some part time work after the birth of their daughter Annabelle, she was already self-employed as a makeup artist and just wanted to earn an extra 200 pounds a month.

Chris was a publican for Wetherspoons working 60 hours a week. He was earning 40k+ but after 15 years wanted to leave due to the unsociable hours and being away from his family..

After seeing the opportunity with Kleeneze they realised the potential and in April 2008 Chris left his job to do retail full time while Jess concentrated on building a team.

Jess says “our goal is to cover Chris’s income and be gold distributors by July 2008. We are really enjoying working together as a family.

Our bonus checks have risen each month and we have already built a small team. We know we will succeed in this business, and we are aiming to qualify for the all expenses paid Conference in October..”

We have wanted to get married for sometime and have now set a date for September this year; we now know we can achieve this. How many jobs do you know where you decide how much you get paid?

Our lives have changed and it feels fantastic!

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and new markets germany
to join or for free dvd click here

kleeneze Fay and Andrew Roe story

kleeneze Fay and Andrew Roe story
here is there picture and cheque click here

We joined Kleeneze in January 1998 for the sole purpose of replacing Fay’s income. Fay at that time had worked for Nat West Bank for 23 years.

I was also working for Nat West as a Financial Planning Manager. Although receiving good incomes we felt trapped by the “9 to 5” regime. We knew with Kleeneze we could have both a living and a lifestyle.

We both left Nat West after jointly serving over 36 years, we could not believe the change in our lives after “escaping the rat race”.

Within 3 years we qualified for all expenses paid conferences with Kleeneze to Monaco and Australia.

After joining Kleeneze we learned how to set goals for the first time. We achieved a major goal in May 2003 by renewing our wedding vows in Florida with family and Kleeneze friends. We have also now fulfilled a 5 year goal by having a holiday home built in Orlando, Florida which was completed in July 2004.

We are currently very excited, as in December 2005 we completed on the purchase of a piece of land in the Bahamas. Kleeneze has given us the vision & belief to achieve things we thought only others could do.

Kleeneze really does provide us with the opportunity to design our own lives, at our own pace, with no pressure from a boss..

It could do the same for you! ……………………….…What have you got to lose?

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or free dvd click here

kleeneze Amanda and Leo story

kleeneze Amanda and Leo story
here is there picture and cheque here

Leo had spent 4 years working as a project co-ordinator & analyst for a major Fire & Security company. Amanda had spent 10 years in the import/export department of a defence company before becoming a full-time mum to Joshua in 2002..

Initially Amanda joined Kleeneze in August 2004 to bring in a little extra money, as she did not want to return to full time work.

“We had moved to the area in January 2004 and Kleeneze has helped us to meet lots of new people – including our neighbours! We found that our sponsors and their teams were really friendly and keen to help us to succeed with our new business.”

“By the end of our third month we had certainly realised the financial potential of Kleeneze. Leo had started to take a more active role and we had already begun to teambuild.

Leo soon decided to quit his full time job in order to concentrate on building our team.”

Now they have a second child Aaron and thanks to the flexibility of Kleeneze, they are now both able to enjoy active roles in family life..

“We are so excited to have been given this opportunity to both work from home and now to be able to share the joys of watching our children grow up whilst developing a successful and simple business of our own.”

kleeneze is looking for agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany, to join or want free dvd click here

kleeneze Ajit and Chaitali story

kleeneze Ajit and Chaitali story
for picture and cheque click here

We joined Kleeneze because we could see that simply by working few extra hours a week, it is possible to earn £50 a week straightway. Although we could see the bigger picture of a great future in this, we were really concerned about the much needed extra cash in the early days..

However, we walked away from our jobs (sacked our bosses) only after 8 months in the business when our income started rising, and from then on, we never looked back..

We set our goals to send our kids to private school, and also to buy a decent house which was Chaitali’s dream for 15 years..
kleeneze Ajit and Chaitali story

We now earn over £2000 regularly every 4 week which is financing our mortgage and the private school fees of our twin

daughters. Our highest 4 weekly income was £3,342.07.

We have recently qualified for the Kleeneze International Conference which is an all expense paid 5 star luxury company holiday conference. This year it is the Caribbean Cruise from 22 to 28th March
kleeneze is looking for agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany , to join or want free dvd here

Monday, 14 September 2009

kleeneze kathleen murtagh byrne story

kleeneze kathleen murtagh byrne story

click here

Hi my name is Kathleen Murtagh Byrne,

I currently work full-time as a manager in a refugee centre which houses 100 refugees. I am married with two small boys of 3yrs and 16 mths, my husband is a self employed carpenter but has had no work since last Christmas, so one day I was checking the internet and clicked on an ad "Earn an Extra Income".

I have 3 friends currently working as Kleeneze distributors but they never mentioned the opportunity to me. Shortly after I got a call from a man in Mullingar called Eunan (who is now my sponsor with his wife Stephanie) and while talking to Eunan I discovered that this was a Kleeneze distributor opportunity.

To be perfectly honest, I was disappointed as I had no intention of stepping on the toes of my friends. But I have to say that, while talking to Eunan, I changed my opinion very fast.

I had already had a call from someone else regarding Kleeneze and their chat to me did nothing to sway my interest, but Eunan did immediately.

So that was on the 10th August and the following Friday night Eunan came all the way down from Mullingar to talk through everything with me. By then I was totally up for it and was so looking forward to getting going.

Within the week I had my business starter kit and catalogues and I was chewing at the bit to get going, so initially I did a few of my old neighbours just to test the waters and my gosh, from 7 catalogues I got €155 in orders!

I was like a child at Christmas, I was so delighted. So then I did another small estate to ease myself in with it and then Eunan came down again and did the pick ups with me.

I have to say at this point that Eunan and his wife Stephanie have been invaluable to me; their constant support and training makes it work for me. Anyway, I got some orders to the value of €166, so I thought this is the way to go; let me get out there and start earning some serious money.

Last week I dropped over 100 catalogues and I got €865 in orders (I have to type this as you can’t hear me but YEEHAW) To say I’m thrilled is an understatement. I was straight on the phone to Stephanie and she said exactly the same as me - YEEHAW.

I have to say thank god I have only had positive experiences so far and I’m sure one day I will come across an obstacle or a disgruntled customer but we come across people like that all the time. If they don’t like what I do, well sorry but tough; I’m here to make money so I just smile and say have a nice day.

I have my 10% bonus at the end of my second week; that was my next target and to be honest it has been a doddle.

Let me tell you that is within the last 2 WEEKS, so if you’re reading this and think this is a made up story, please feel free to call me and I will tell you exactly the same, and really I’m just an ordinary mother who was looking for some extra income to pay bills and give my kids a treat now and now I can.

So if you’re doubting whether this is for you, then honestly give it a go; it really, really does work and I tell you there is no one you know more sceptical than me but this is an opportunity waiting for you to take it up and if you don’t, someone else will, so get in there ASAP.

I have to say apart from the extra money which is great but the absolute buzz when you go to a door to pick your catalogue and see an order has to be experienced.

You try to hide your excitement in case someone is watching but to get home, go through your orders and see how much you got is better than any tonic.

So that’s my story so far and I’m so looking forward to my next drop of catalogues because I’m going to make this the biggest story of my life.

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany  to join
here is our website click here

more stories on our website

Friday, 11 September 2009

kleeneze Kate and Stewart Brunskill story

kleeneze Kate and Stewart Brunskill story

for cheque click

We have a business that allows us to spend more time together by working hard, and following a proven system. It will provide us with an income and life-style that most people only dream of.

We were both working when we were shown this great business opportunity, Kate as a classroom support assistant, and Stewart running his own franchise alongside a national parcel carrier.

We were looking for a way out, but initially needed an extra £50 per week to boost our household income, so we started our Kleeneze business on a part time basis.

We were given a lot of support and advice from successful people, and started to see our business and income grow.

Stewart’s four-year franchise contract was coming up for renewal, and we both knew it would mean another four years of long days, and still having other people determine the income he earned.

With this in mind, we made the decision not to renew it, and he went to work for a local company.

December 2003 was a big turning point in our lives, and we decided that it was time to run our Kleeneze business full time – so, we quit our jobs – what a great feeling!

We know now, that by continuing to work alongside successful people, taking their advice and putting in consistent & persistent activity, our business & income will continue to grow.

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
if you know anybody interested click here

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

kleeneze Tony and Christine Wallis story

kleeneze Tony and Christine Wallis story

here is the picture and cheques click here

Having taken early retirement after 30 years working for a large multinational company as an Industrial Engineer I then worked for myself for the following 10 years on a consultancy basis.

Not only was this stressful and required me to work away from home for periods of time but the work wasn’t always available and as time went by got less and less.

So as I approached my 60th year I looked around for something else to supplement my pension, keep me active and get me out of the house and from under my wife’s feet!

As previous Kleeneze customers I chatted to our distributor (also a retiree) and concluded that I had nothing to lose so decided to give it a try.

Not only are both myself and Christine now running our own successful Kleeneze business but I have benefited from the opportunity to meet people, get some much needed exercise, make some great new friends and expand our social life.

We have now started to build our own small team which is very rewarding because we can share our good fortune with others.

kleeneze is looking for agents and team builders all areas of uk ,ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or for full dvd click here

kleeneze Sue and David Allen story

kleeneze Sue and David Allen story
here is there picture and cheque click here
Sue and David have busy lives. Married with two children, David works full-time and Sue

works 4 days a week for a local Supermarket. However, when the children are on holiday from school or ill, someone has to take time off work to be them.

This proves to be difficult as more often tha not Sue is turned down by her employer, so David is left every time taking leave not giving Sue the chance to spend time with them in their times of need.

This left them thinking “what should we do?”

Sue has multiple sclerosis, and has decided she would like to run her own Kleeneze

business, leaving her current job. David agreed to support her, as the business would

help her in getting some exercise to keep her going.

They started at the beginning of January 2005, and in spite of some family illness

during their first month Sue and David achieved their goal to hit the 10% bonus level

achieving almost £900 in sales with a welcome extra income of over £240.

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents and team builders in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or want free dvd of kleeneze click here

kleeneze Sarah Green story

kleeneze Sarah Green story
Sarah Green

here is sarah picture and kleeneze chequesclick here

I moved from Cornwall to Nottingham 4 years ago, due to being a battered wife we couldn’t keep contact with anyone and I felt very isolated. I volunteered at my local primary school but still found it strange as I come from a place where everyone knows everyone and you can’t sneeze at one end of the town without someone at the other end hearing about it before you get there, how different city life seemed to me!

I got two part time jobs – support work weekend evenings, which meant no weekend evenings with my family and we always had to rush back if we went out for the day, and exam invigilating which only comes round three times a year, and I was looking for something that fit round two jobs and my kids which go to different schools and have different holiday times, an impossible task until I considered Kleeneze.

Being a customer (as was my mother and grandmother) I knew the products quite well and as I need regular exercise to stave off my depression it ticked all my boxes. I was getting very ill with my support work and had to have time off work early 2008 so I knew I had to change direction as my doctor had warned me if I kept it up I risked heart problems and was on heavy medication to control my stress reactions.

Within 6 months of Kleeneze I was earning enough to replace my support work income and knew I had to leave that role for my health asap so I resigned Christmas 2008 and decided to start building a team. I love meeting people – it scares the life out of me in groups but I have, with team support, managed to speak in front of others and had such lovely comments back, I no longer feel isolated and have people who are becoming my friends as well as colleagues,

my health has improved, I can attend all my kids events and I am earning money – what a fantastic life!

I find it hard to set goals and visualize dreams but with help set short, medium and long term goals – I would love to take friends and close family to a hot island and be waited on hand and foot for my 50TH_birthday, and to get there I am taking it one step at a time, first hitting my 10%, then my £1000 retail, then my 13% and getting my first team member.

Now with my income increasing every month I am working towards qualifying for an overseas conference – fully paid for by Kleeneze. What other work gives you that!

kleeneze are looking for agents and team builders all areas of uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
to join or want free dvd click here

kleeneze advert on tv

kleeneze advert on tv,
here is the you tube clip of it

kleeneze is looking for thousands of agents and team builder in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany

if you know anybody looking for a second or a full time income
pass on this web address and ask for free dvd click here

kleeneze Ralph Horton story

kleneze Ralph Horton story

Spending more time at a desk than I liked and piling on the weight as a result, a newspaper advert caught my eye: ‘Earn extra cash delivering catalogues’. I thought ‘perfect’ lose the pounds weight and gain the pounds sterling! and so I became a Kleeneze distributor.

I started with 200 catalogues and retailing £200+ earning £50+ a week from the very first 4 week period. Having done the ground work to get started, I settled into around 20 hours per week.

To my horror no one told the customers this and they pushed my retail to £1000+ and earnings to £300 a week, the downside was that I needed to increase my hours by 50% to fit it all in.

As I was not in a position to go full time something had to give.

I spoke with my sponsor and to solve the problem I sponsored new people into my team and spread the load, the result is: I retail half the teams £1000+ and earn £200+ a week with my hours back to 80 each 4 week period.

With Kleeneze there is a chance to earn spare cash or to grow a thriving business - the choice is up to the individual but the opportunity is there for all, just waiting to be taken.

If someone who is so lazy he needed paying to get fit can make it work, what is your excuse?
here is ralph picture and cheque

kleeneze is looking for agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
vist our website

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

kleeneze helen kendall and penny kelham story

Having both been made redundant at around the same time we began
looking for jobs that would be both interesting and challenging, and would
fit in around our various family commitments.

Could we find any - no!

After endless form filling we decided to take stock and look at options
other than being an employee. A few years ago we had both run small
businesses - Helen, a pet minding/dog walking business in Cumbria and
Penny, a secretarial services bureau in Nottingham.

We both need to work to supplement our pensions on retirement but
neither of us want to do the same thing again.

And that’s when we decided to look into the Kleeneze Opportunity - we’ve
known each other since the age of 5 and working together seemed like a
brilliant idea.

The Kleeneze Opportunity has turned out to be absolutely perfect for us.
It has the flexibility we both need, we are never bored, we’ve lost weight,
met lots of new people and after six months can honestly say that it‘s the
best decision we’ve ever made.

In our first few weeks we made our 10% bonus and 3 months’ later
reached 13% and earned £359.90.

We get great encouragement from our Sponsor - who is always there to
help us - and we are now well on the way to building a a wonderful customer
base and securing a great future retirement as well!

kleeneze are looking for agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
here is our website

Thursday, 3 September 2009

kleeneze bulk sales period 2009

here is the kleeneze bulk sales for period 8

kleeneze is the only company that i know that publishes the sales figures every 4 weeeks
which proves agents are making income

kleeneze is looking for lots of new agents in uk, ireland, netherlands and german

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