Friday, 5 November 2010

new Lesley Davies and Wendy Meddelton kleeneze story

new Lesley Davies and Wendy Meddelton kleeneze story

to see there kleeneze cheques and picture click here

“I joined Kleeneze to add an extra £50 into our weekly budget. As a single mum with a family to look after around a busy full time job, I was amazed to find that simply putting in 8-10 hours per week in my spare time could give us this little bit extra.

I hadn’t really bargained for the complete life-changing opportunity that Kleeneze would offer.

To cut a long story short, Wendy and I now run our Kleeneze business as a joint family business and have qualified as Gold Distributors; we are also going to Hong Kong in a few short weeks time.

We have recently both quit our full time jobs so that we can massively grow our families business, with the short term goal of going to New York next November, with several of our team.

We have rolled our sleeves up and helped team members to create individual plans so that they can qualify for the Big Apple. We are in constant contact with all of the team and offer them a fun, competitive environment in which to grow and achieve their personal potentials.

We can’t say too much here as they don’t know some of the ideas we have up our sleeves for them yet.

We have been thrilled and honoured to be told by several team members that they will be the ones who will take us to New York with them!

To do this they know they need to be Gold by Period 3, 2011 and they have grabbed this challenge with both hands. We have broken Gold down into a simple formula of 1000BP personal retail and 10 x 10%ers within their teams.

It’s an absolute honour and joy to work with our existing team and equally thrilling to introduce more fabulous people to an opportunity that really does change lives.”

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