Monday, 13 June 2011

Fly Hyett kleeneze story

Fly Hyett

Five years ago, the children and I were homeless, living in a 12 foot touring caravan with no loo, no running water, and no lights, and having to move from one muddy field to another every 28 days.

The I'd had with my husband had gone down the drain and we were completely broke.

After seven months, we were moved into a council house and some time later were introduced to Kleeneze. I saw the possibilities, borrowed the money for registration and catalogues, and set out, retailing over £3000 worth of products in my first month.

Some time later my husband and I split up, and I started with Kleeneze again with my own agency, as the divorce had left me flat broke. I'd had enough of having no money and the children being dressed from jumble sales - we deserved better than that. Thanks to Kleeneze, we now have a better lifestyle than ever before - and I got Phil into the Bargain!

more exciting kleeneze storys click here


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