Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Kleeneze Barry & Glynys Broad New 10% Testimonial

Kleeneze Barry & Glynys Broad New 10% Testimonial
We initially joined Kleeneze back in 2005 when Glynys was looking for a new road to travel. She
responded to an advert in the local paper to “Earn extra money”, and a lady named Kirsty came round
to see us and explained all about the business. We had a chat about it after she’d left, but I said “It`s
your choice, but dropping catalogues is not for me.”
At the time I was in F/T employment, enjoying what I did; rare I know. Although Glynys was working F/T
she signed up & became a Kleeneze distributor. At that time we had no car, no computer and hardly any
money; so it was a big step for us to take.
Our books soon arrived, which Glynys put together and away she went dropping them. When she went back to pick them up a couple of days later
there were orders in some of them from day one! I helped when I could by driving round so Glynys could do her deliveries (using the works van of
course). I even dropped her off in the mornings sometimes with her books & trolley; bearing in mind I used to leave for work at 6am! She would
then have to rely on public transport, or a lift to get back home. It was so important for us to plan our drops, as when you do not have a vehicle
your time is even more important. Not forgetting oursponsor Kirsty who was a great help assisting us with using her computer to place orders.
After 3 weeks Glynys handed in her notice & went F/T into the business, and after 3 months we had enough money to buy a second-hand car, and
a second hand computer. No stopping her now! At the time we were living in Walmer, Kent, where Glynys built up her customer base and
regularly retailed 13%. She even retailed 15% a couple of times……. all was good.
Then one weekend in April 2008, Glynys seemed to be taking a long time to get up. I shouted upstairs, no answer, so I went up & she was lying in
bed unable to move, I managed to get her up & downstairs but could tell something was seriously wrong. Reluctantly I managed to get her to the
Dr’s, who then sent us straight to the hospital where it turns out Glynys had had a stroke! What a bombshell! There was no way she could work
her business now, as she was unable to walk. A few weeks later when I returned home from work I discovered Glynys lying on the kitchen floor;
she had been there for about 3 ½ hours, so the next day I gave my notice at work as she needed F/T care. We had a chat about what to do next,
Glynys persuaded me to do kleeneze, just the customer base that she had built up over the previous 3 years (no bl anket dropping, as I REALLY
didn’t want to do that)!
So away I went and started dropping books. I was ok until I had to knock on doors to get the books back; I was sweating, my heart was thumping,
pulse racing & my mouth was dry. I just could not get it out of my head that I was invading someone else`s space. What a wally I was, as most
people had not put books out so that they could ask how Glynys was, and oh my god, people were so friendly & concerned about Glynys it took me
forever to do the first months pick-up! So, ok I admit it I was converted as I obviously knew the system worked by seeing what Glynys had
achieved. I suppose until you have a go yourself there is always a doubt. So I took over the footwork part & Glynys d id the ordering etc…, we
made a good team & still do.
In 2011 we decided to leave Kleeneze and move to Southern Ireland to live with Glynys’son. We were only there 6 mths before moving back to
Maidstone as things did not go as planned. We were now homeless, no car, and nearly all our belongings still back in Ireland. We eventually moved
into a one bedroom flat, and Glynys’ son after 12 yrs away moved back from Ireland, and in with us after getting a new job. Conditions were
cramped, but finally we have moved into a bungalow, and fortunate for us Glynys now has a lifeline buzzer so if I’mout & there`s a problem there
can be someone there within 5 minutes; peace of mind for both of us.
It was after the move that said to Glynys I need to get out & do something as I can no longer sit indoors. I mentioned to Glynys about starting
Kleeneze again, she laughed, “what you do blanket drops etc… to build up a customer base, yeah right”. Well after a bit of nagging she gave in & I
phoned Ian & Lorraine who were upline distributors to Kirsty (who was no longer in Kleeneze). We had a chat with Ian & Lorraine, got all the upto
date information, and after talking it over together we decided to sign up again in September 2014.
In our first 3 weeks (P10) I dropped over 1,000 books and retailed £946 earning us £245.86, not bad for a few hours 'work' every day. We hit our
10% level in those first 3 weeks, and received 300 FREE books with the 30 day retail bonus from Kleeneze, thank you! Then there`s another bonus,
because I’mout walking in the fresh air every day I’m losing weight which will help with my diabetes, & help me fulfil the 1st thing on my bucket
list, a tandem skydive! That`s our story so far..... Except we also signed up Glynys` daughter & son-in-law into the business so that they too can
earn some extra money to help their family out. We are so glad we made the decision, and are “Proud to be Kleeneze distributors’”.
Barry & Glynys Broad

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