Ettenaren beste distributeurs Kleeneze
Oude IJsselstreek Vizier
26 jan 2009
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ETTEN - Afgelopen zaterdag hebben Marc en Paula Noordhoek uit Etten de Khatkar-trophy in ontvangst mogen nemen. Dit omdat zij, in 2008, van alle Nederlandse distributeurs de beste omzet hebben gedraaid van homeshop-organisatie Kleeneze.
Vrolijkheid alom bij de uitreiking vande Khatkar-trophy.Foto: Oude IJsselstreek Vizier (pr)
De Khatkar-trophy werd overhandigd door Michael Khatkar, head of network development van Kleeneze, waar de trophy naar vernoemd is. Marc en Paula zijn er trots op om deze in ontvangst te mogen nemen en zijn hun klanten zeer dankbaar. ,,Dankzij onze klanten hadden wij dit niet voor elkaar kunnen krijgen.’’ Sinds september 2004 is Kleeneze actief in ons land en in die relatief korte tijd werken er al heel wat distributeurs als zelfstandig ondernemer voor Engelands' grootste homeshopper. Het succes van het bedrijf wordt verklaard door het verkoopconcept waarin persoonlijke levering van huis-, tuin-, keukenartikelen, sieraden en schoonheids- en gezondheidsartikelen via een netwerk van onafhankelijke distributeurs centraal staat. Of het nu gaat om een huisvrouw die parttime wil werken of een bankemployee die iets extra's wil verdienen de kracht van de Kleeneze-formule is dat iedereen boven de 18 jaar zich als distributeur bij ons kan aansluiten. Verder kunnen mensen zelf hun werktijden en werktempo bepalen. Waar Kleeneze in Nederland steeds meer voet aan de grond krijgt, is het bedrijf in Engeland een begrip. Sterker nog: Kleeneze heeft er homeshopping geïntroduceerd en is uitgegroeid tot marktleider. Het concept is simpel: de Kleeneze-catalogus inclusief bestelformulier wordt huis-aan-huis verspreid door een distributeur. Na een paar dagen haalt deze de catalogus weer op. Bestellingen worden vervolgens geplaatst bij Kleeneze. Na ontvangst van de producten levert de distributeur deze persoonlijk af bij de klant. Zo heeft iedere klant zijn eigen 'Kleeneze-man' of 'Kleeneze-vrouw'. Vandaar de Kleeneze-slogan: the easy way to shop from home... ofwel: de slimme manier om thuis te winkelen! Overigens betaalt de klant alleen bij aflevering van de bestelling, dus niet van te voren. De distributeur ontvangt vervolgens een percentage van de winst. Kleeneze is opgericht in 1923. Kleeneze telt in Engeland zo’n 19.000 zelfstandige distributeurs. De producten die zij aan de hand van de catalogus verkopen variëren van producten voor permanente ontharing tot schoenrekken voor aan de deur. Artikelen waarvan je soms niet eens weet dat ze bestaan. Maar die je na het doorbladeren van de catalogus wel heel graag wilt hebben! Kleeneze levert kwaliteitsproducten tegen een goede prijs die vaak nergens anders verkrijgbaar zijn. Daarnaast hanteren we een niet goed, geld terug-garantie. Goederen kunnen binnen 30 dagen na ontvangst worden geruild tegen een vervangend product of de klant
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Friday, 23 January 2009
mega kleeneze retail sales
look at the great retail in january with kleeneze , with the high street down 40% kleeneze just goes forward, and is looking for more agents in uk, ireland,netherlands and germany to work from home , with the high street down 40% kleeneze just goes forward, and is looking for more agents in uk, ireland,netherlands and germany to work from home
Monday, 19 January 2009
work from home
here are more exciting storys about the kleeneze opportunity
MIKE & NEGIN BACKHOUSE - Ex-Pharmaceuticals Manager & Full Time Mother. Winners of PPG Best Newcomer Award and PPG Top Sponsorer Award.
“Before joining this company in June 2003, I had been working as a senior manager with a major pharmaceutical research company when I was made redundant and my employment was brought to an abrupt end. As if by fate, I stumbled upon The Pole Position Group and after attending a Conference I felt so excited by the potential that I immediately stopped looking for another job and together with my wife focussed my effort on building a successful business. It has given us both a fresh start in life and we have made many new and dear friends over the last year. This business can give you anything that you want. It is so exciting to think that there is no limit to what we can achieve and it is so rewarding to be in a position to help other people achieve their dreams along the way. Our biggest cheque so far has been in excess of £2,000.”
KIM ATHERTON – Commercial Solicitor
“I joined the Pole Position Group in April 2002, while working full time as a commercial solicitor, doing two part-time college courses, and having sole responsibility for looking after my 6-year old daughter. Although initially very sceptical, I very quickly discovered the benefits of being a distributor, and started to build my own team. In my first 4 weeks, I earned £325. My part-time income cheque increased to over £1,500 for a 4-week period just 19 months later. I have now been able to reduce my hours at work, and have more time with my daughter while still maintaining my income. I expect to be earning more from my part-time business than I do as a solicitor within the next year! I have made many new friends and enjoy a lot of fun in the business while receiving top training and support from experienced business builders at all levels.”
LEON LAWRENCE – Digital Printing
“On being exposed to the massive potential of network marketing, shortly after leaving school, I decided that this was my route to financial freedom, wealth and security, having being awakened from the illusion of ‘getting a good, secure job for life!!!’ I’d seen close family members made redundant after years of service in their industries and didn’t want to get into that rut. A couple of networks and a redundancy later I discovered the Pole Position Group. Building my business on a part-time basis around commuting to a full time job in the city, I was able to not only recoup my initial investment with profit in my first 4 weeks but I am now earning more than £1000 additional income per month and rising”. With tremendous support from my group I am building a team with plans to give up the day job when my part-time income exceeds my pay. There is no limit to what can be achieved with this business!”
STEVE & DEBBIE ROPER - Ex-Hairdresser and Ex-Industrial Sales. Winners of a Mini Cooper and PPG Top Sponsorer Award
“Experience from 15 years ago left us very sceptical about MLM, but on thorough examination it became clear that the Pole Position Group was in a class by itself for support, commitment and ethics. Now, after just 5 ½ years of working our business part time alongside a full time job we are turning over £100,000 and earning £6,500 four weekly. This income has recently enabled us to “sack the boss” and quit the rat-race forever! We have enjoyed all-expenses paid conferences to Monte Carlo (twice), Cairns Australia, Sun City South Africa and in the past year alone we have been awarded a Mini Cooper and trips to Sydney Australia and Athens. Seven of our team have also enjoyed the luxury of an overseas conference. We continue to build our business by helping our team to achieve their dreams. Our future has never looked brighter!”
JAN & JIM WILLIAMS – Ex-Bank Employee & Ex-Dock Worker
“Jim and I first saw this opportunity in Feb 2003. Jim had just retired due to ill-health and I was working part-time in a bank. We needed an extra income to help our twin daughters through university. I had been involved in direct selling for 5 years and I got involved with the Pole Position Group totally unaware of the fantastic potential of networking. After just 8 months I decided to ‘sack the boss’ to concentrate all our efforts on this amazing business. Our best cheque so far has been in excess of £1800, which was double my bank monthly salary and was earned on a part-time basis. After working over 40 years in conventional jobs, we both love the freedom this business gives us to spend our time as we wish. We have many goals but have always dreamed of owning a property abroad. With future plans to expand the business into Europe we aim to work hard to build a strong team in order to realise our dream.”
ANDY STEPHENSON & CLAIRE BRANCH - Founders of the Pole Position Group. Ex-Corporate Stockbroker and ex-Secretary. Winners of a Mini Cooper.
“Claire and I became disillusioned with the stresses and strains of working for a boss in a high-pressured environment. We got started in this business so that we could pay our mortgage after I decided to quit the rat race. We were delighted when we recovered our small initial investment at the end of our first week! We now work with a fantastic group of people and our lifestyle has changed beyond belief, just by showing other people how they can make money too! This is a business that rewards effort and we have been treated to nine all-expenses paid luxurious overseas trips with various members of our team. Our group’s achievements have been recognised by winning the coveted Executive Distributor Challenge Cup and the Top Qualifier award – the only time in history that these awards have been won by the same team in the same year. We are living proof that anyone can succeed in this business.”
we are urgently looking for key people to work from home, in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany, with the negative news of people losing there job in all countires , it make sense to look for a opportunity that work. just in the newspaper today 19th january 2009, barclays are getting rid of 4,000 job.
ckeck out the website for more info
MIKE & NEGIN BACKHOUSE - Ex-Pharmaceuticals Manager & Full Time Mother. Winners of PPG Best Newcomer Award and PPG Top Sponsorer Award.
“Before joining this company in June 2003, I had been working as a senior manager with a major pharmaceutical research company when I was made redundant and my employment was brought to an abrupt end. As if by fate, I stumbled upon The Pole Position Group and after attending a Conference I felt so excited by the potential that I immediately stopped looking for another job and together with my wife focussed my effort on building a successful business. It has given us both a fresh start in life and we have made many new and dear friends over the last year. This business can give you anything that you want. It is so exciting to think that there is no limit to what we can achieve and it is so rewarding to be in a position to help other people achieve their dreams along the way. Our biggest cheque so far has been in excess of £2,000.”
KIM ATHERTON – Commercial Solicitor
“I joined the Pole Position Group in April 2002, while working full time as a commercial solicitor, doing two part-time college courses, and having sole responsibility for looking after my 6-year old daughter. Although initially very sceptical, I very quickly discovered the benefits of being a distributor, and started to build my own team. In my first 4 weeks, I earned £325. My part-time income cheque increased to over £1,500 for a 4-week period just 19 months later. I have now been able to reduce my hours at work, and have more time with my daughter while still maintaining my income. I expect to be earning more from my part-time business than I do as a solicitor within the next year! I have made many new friends and enjoy a lot of fun in the business while receiving top training and support from experienced business builders at all levels.”
LEON LAWRENCE – Digital Printing
“On being exposed to the massive potential of network marketing, shortly after leaving school, I decided that this was my route to financial freedom, wealth and security, having being awakened from the illusion of ‘getting a good, secure job for life!!!’ I’d seen close family members made redundant after years of service in their industries and didn’t want to get into that rut. A couple of networks and a redundancy later I discovered the Pole Position Group. Building my business on a part-time basis around commuting to a full time job in the city, I was able to not only recoup my initial investment with profit in my first 4 weeks but I am now earning more than £1000 additional income per month and rising”. With tremendous support from my group I am building a team with plans to give up the day job when my part-time income exceeds my pay. There is no limit to what can be achieved with this business!”
STEVE & DEBBIE ROPER - Ex-Hairdresser and Ex-Industrial Sales. Winners of a Mini Cooper and PPG Top Sponsorer Award
“Experience from 15 years ago left us very sceptical about MLM, but on thorough examination it became clear that the Pole Position Group was in a class by itself for support, commitment and ethics. Now, after just 5 ½ years of working our business part time alongside a full time job we are turning over £100,000 and earning £6,500 four weekly. This income has recently enabled us to “sack the boss” and quit the rat-race forever! We have enjoyed all-expenses paid conferences to Monte Carlo (twice), Cairns Australia, Sun City South Africa and in the past year alone we have been awarded a Mini Cooper and trips to Sydney Australia and Athens. Seven of our team have also enjoyed the luxury of an overseas conference. We continue to build our business by helping our team to achieve their dreams. Our future has never looked brighter!”
JAN & JIM WILLIAMS – Ex-Bank Employee & Ex-Dock Worker
“Jim and I first saw this opportunity in Feb 2003. Jim had just retired due to ill-health and I was working part-time in a bank. We needed an extra income to help our twin daughters through university. I had been involved in direct selling for 5 years and I got involved with the Pole Position Group totally unaware of the fantastic potential of networking. After just 8 months I decided to ‘sack the boss’ to concentrate all our efforts on this amazing business. Our best cheque so far has been in excess of £1800, which was double my bank monthly salary and was earned on a part-time basis. After working over 40 years in conventional jobs, we both love the freedom this business gives us to spend our time as we wish. We have many goals but have always dreamed of owning a property abroad. With future plans to expand the business into Europe we aim to work hard to build a strong team in order to realise our dream.”
ANDY STEPHENSON & CLAIRE BRANCH - Founders of the Pole Position Group. Ex-Corporate Stockbroker and ex-Secretary. Winners of a Mini Cooper.
“Claire and I became disillusioned with the stresses and strains of working for a boss in a high-pressured environment. We got started in this business so that we could pay our mortgage after I decided to quit the rat race. We were delighted when we recovered our small initial investment at the end of our first week! We now work with a fantastic group of people and our lifestyle has changed beyond belief, just by showing other people how they can make money too! This is a business that rewards effort and we have been treated to nine all-expenses paid luxurious overseas trips with various members of our team. Our group’s achievements have been recognised by winning the coveted Executive Distributor Challenge Cup and the Top Qualifier award – the only time in history that these awards have been won by the same team in the same year. We are living proof that anyone can succeed in this business.”
we are urgently looking for key people to work from home, in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany, with the negative news of people losing there job in all countires , it make sense to look for a opportunity that work. just in the newspaper today 19th january 2009, barclays are getting rid of 4,000 job.
ckeck out the website for more info
Saturday, 17 January 2009
work from home
Testimonials Mike & Negin Backhouse - NottinghamshireBefore joining Kleeneze in June 2003, I had been working as a senior manager with a major pharmaceutical research company when I was made redundant and my employment was brought to an abrupt end. As if by fate, I stumbled upon Kleeneze and after attending the June 2003 Annual Sales Conference I felt so excited by the potential within this company that I immediately stopped looking for another job and together with my wife focussed my effort on building a successful Kleeneze business. Kleeneze has given us both a fresh start in life and we have made many new and dear friends over the last year. In 2006 Kleeneze took us and 150 other qualifiers away for an all expenses paid trip to Budapest for the European Conference and we look forward to many more such trips in the future. This business can give you anything that you want. It is so exciting to think that there is no limit to what we can achieve with our Kleeneze business and it is so rewarding to be in a position to help other people achieve their dreams along the way. Our biggest monthly income cheque so far has been £2095.42 Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell – EssexWe were initially looking for a part-time job to supplement our income. Earning an extra £50 per week would make a massive difference to our household budget. To our surprise, working this business around a small child and full-time employment, in our FIRST 4-WEEKS we earned over £470. This proved to us that the business works.With the incredible support available within ‘The Infinity Group’ our income has steadily grown. On a Part-Time basis our highest payment to date was over £2200 for a 4-Week period and we also qualified for an ‘All Expenses Paid’, 5-Star European trip.We are now looking forward to a more financially secure future and building a business which will enable us to spend more time with our family.With this business having such a level playing field and high earning potential, the incomes that are available are achievable by absolutely anyone.June & David Love – West SussexWe had been running our own Accounts Consultancy and Secretarial Bureau business for eighteen years and had experienced the ups and downs of employing staff. Running our own limited company meant a great deal of administration work – Payroll, Accounts, PAYE, VAT etc. as well as chasing customers for payment. These extra jobs entailed having to work seven days a week sometimes – just to keep on top of the paperwork as well as earning the income. Increasingly, we became disillusioned with the long hours needed and stress that was associated with the business. David came across Kleeneze by seeing an advertising banner when wearily commuting home one Friday night. We sent off for more information and discovered it was Kleeneze. We knew their products and June was quite taken with the idea of being out in the fresh air instead of a stuffy office. We can remember our first catalogue drop, returning to collect them two days later and excitedly finding orders inside! We followed the proven system and, within three weeks, we had recovered our initial outlay and were making a profit.We have progressed steadily through the Pay Plan and last November qualified for an exquisite trip to Marrakech with all expenses paid by the Company! The experiences we have enjoyed and friendships we have made throughout our time in Kleeneze have been really fantastic. Having decided to make Kleeneze our future, we are now in control of our own lives at last!
Rosemary Rowntree & Steve Johnson - HampshireWe first saw Kleeneze in 2001 when we were in England on an extended visit from Canada. We had experience with network marketing in Canada but were still looking for the right opportunity.Once we investigated Kleeneze, met some successful people and attended a meeting, we were encouraged to keep going. The Infinity Group has a proven system for creating volumes without 'selling', wonderful hands-on training and an easy-to-follow process for building a team. Within 4 weeks we had our initial investment back and we made the decision to emigrate from Canada to take up the Kleeneze business in earnest. It hasn't let us down - in fact, it has exceeded our expectations. The people - a great team; the rewards - trips to Monte Carlo, Budapest, Mauritius and Thailand; and the future - a growing residual income - all mean that our goals and dreams are becoming a reality.Alan Jones & Donna Blunt - Essex
Joining Kleeneze has allowed us to run our business around our full time commitments and demanding four month old twins. We currently earn £500+ every four weeks in retail profit alone and with the help and support of the Infinity Group the amount we earn will more then double within the next six months due to the building of our business. We are very fortunate and excited to be part of the Infinity Group. Everybody is made to feel welcome and everybody is treated equally and receives any help they may need.The best part of this particular group which you will not find in a job, is that everybody is so friendly, everybody is out to help everybody else and it is because they want to make your dreams come true. Not like in a job where people have to help people. We have made many new friends within the team. Kleeneze is not all work and no play; we have a lot of fun doing the activities that enables us to build our business there is so much to look forward to. With the help we are receiving, we are working towards our plan to become financially secure and to give everybody in our family the best things in life.Brian & Avril Lowdon – SurreyAfter running our own Insurance Brokerage for 35 years, we needed something to do when we sold the business. Kleeneze was the answer to our prayers. We can do as much or as little as we wish. If we need a bit more, we know we can get it by working a bit harder. We have met a wonderful group of new friends, and enjoy conferences, parties, dinners BBQs etc, with like minded people. We mostly retail, and earn a nice extra income, while doing something we really enjoy. We have support from everyone, while running our Kleeneze business at our own pace.Fred & Karen Mason - SurreyKaren’s background is from the world of finance where she worked in high street banking then moved into the training side of banking where she taught major banks all over the world how to use banking computer systems. My background is from the military (Ex RSM army) training arena and then working in the motor industry working for Honda cars and motorcycles.We saw an advert in the newspaper and looked into the company and researched the company for about two years. Our circumstances changed and we needed some extra money. We initially wanted to earn about £100 per week, which would enable us to pay some additional credit cards. In our first 3 weeks our Income cheque was £235.72, so we knew the system worked and we had our investment back in three weeks. After two months our income had risen over £400.00 every month and it continued to steadily increase and our highest cheque to date is £2066.26 for a four week period. We have enjoyed a great social life, great recognition and we have qualified for an all inclusive, totally paid long weekend to Marrakech, all courtesy of Kleeneze. Being part of the Infinity group we have access to some of the best training and support within Kleeneze which has enabled us to build our business.We have a list of places we want to see, things we want to do and to have no financial worries. We are both working towards retiring in the next year and having time to do all the things we want to do.Our dreams are becoming reality with this business.Leon Lawrence – MiddlesexOn being exposed to the massive potential of network marketing, I decided that this was my route to financial freedom, wealth and security, having being awakened from the illusion of ‘getting a good, secure job for life!!!’ A couple of networks and a redundancy later I discovered this opportunity. "Building my business on a part-time basis around commuting to a full time job in the city, I was able to not only recoup my initial investment with profit in my first 4 weeks but now my income has exceeded £2000 PART TIME". With tremendous support from my group and a proven system I have also qualified for an all expenses paid trip to Budapest 5* all the way. There is no limit to what can be achieved with this business!Jim Dale & Claire Daniels - HampshireWe started in the business to earn an extra £200 a month to pay off University student loans and help towards paying the mortgage on our first home together. We had also both had threats of redundancy in our jobs (Engineer and ex-Accounts Assistant) and wanted something to give us more security and control of our lives.In our first month we got back our initial investment and made a profit of £130 by following the simple, successful proven system we were taught within the Infinity Group. By developing our business we have been able to quit the rat race over 30 years early and enjoy working for ourselves earning around £1800 every four weeks. In June 2007 we qualified with team members for an all expenses paid luxury trip to Cannes. Kleeneze has given us time freedom, great income, lots of new friends and the ability to design our own fantastic future.Mike & Anne Barnaville - HampshireEx Purchasing Manager & Pensions AdministratorMike had experience of Network Marketing whilst living in Canada. Finding the Kleeneze Opportunity ticked all the boxes for Mike when he was made redundant. After six months, we both attended the Kleeneze Conference and Anne was inspired to become a distributor too. The system and support was there from day one and our retail income began to rise. We started team building in our second year and moved up the payplan to the level of Gold Distributors, also qualifying for the European Conference destination, an all expenses paid weekend in Prague – a fantastic experience!! Our ambition is to continue moving up the payplan by helping our team achieve their goals. Being a part of the Infinity Group provides us with excellent support from leaders who have personally had great success in Kleeneze because of their commitment to helping all members of their team through constant communication, and ongoing training and personal development.Steve & Laine Shepherd – SurreyWe first looked at the opportunity in March 2006 as the pub trade had been in decline for some time and we needed to earn a bit extra each week to cover the bills. We were already pretty busy running a pub, newsagents and local community directory as well as the normal running about when you have two children. However, we were impressed by Kleeneze’s low start up cost, zero stock holding and the support offered so decided to get started. We were told exactly what we needed to do and put our catalogues out twice a week. After two weeks we had placed orders over £350 and so were awarded a free gift from Kleeneze. We also achieved sales of £750 in our first four weeks and were sent a free retail kit. In our first period we earnt £235.52 which covered our initial investment and gave us profit.After realising that this business could actually work for us, we have steadily raised our income, now earning more than £1,000 per month. Recently our efforts really paid off when we qualified for a luxury trip to Cannes – all expenses paid. We have been supported each step of the way by everyone in the Infinity group and our line of sponsorship. Whenever we had a query, problem or wanted to talk through some ideas we just had to pick up the phone. The training meetings are excellent value and easy to understand and more importantly, fun. Anne & Sean McHugh - MiddlesexBoth Sean and I are self employed, run our own business and have two young children. In the autum of 2006, I was looking for something that I could do on a part-time basis to earn an extra income that would fit around my work committments and our busy family life. Having received a leaflet through our door - stating "Earn an extra Income" we decided to investigate and did some research on the internet. We decided that this opportunty was for us and joined in November 2006. In our first 3 weeks in the business we earned £517.14, which well and truly covered our intitial investment. Being part of the Infinity Group has proven to us that the system in place works, the training and support received from leaders who have achieved tremendous success within Kleeneze has helped to grow our business. We are very excited about our future and know that by following the system we too can have great success. To date our largest cheque has been £1,814.92Steve & Debbie Roper - EssexAfter working our Kleeneze business part-time for 5 years our income exceeded £1000 per week which enabled Steve to return his Co car and walk away from a well paid job, escaping the rat-race forever! Whilst Steve was still in a job we qualified for Conferences to Monaco, Cairns Australia, Monaco a second time, South Africa, Athens and Sydney (and were awarded a Mini Cooper). We have since qualified for 2 further conferences, to Budapest and Mauritius. In 2005 we were awarded The Distributor of the Year for Gavin Scott's Terrier Group - the biggest group in Kleeneze which includes the Fast Forward Group. In 2007 were awarded The Distributor of the Year for Bob Webb's Fast Forward Group - the highest status, highest earning Team in Kleeneze. We are enjoying supporting our team to help them to achieve these extra rewards and grow their incomes. The freedom, the rewards and the camaraderie are just brilliant!
Rosemary Rowntree & Steve Johnson - HampshireWe first saw Kleeneze in 2001 when we were in England on an extended visit from Canada. We had experience with network marketing in Canada but were still looking for the right opportunity.Once we investigated Kleeneze, met some successful people and attended a meeting, we were encouraged to keep going. The Infinity Group has a proven system for creating volumes without 'selling', wonderful hands-on training and an easy-to-follow process for building a team. Within 4 weeks we had our initial investment back and we made the decision to emigrate from Canada to take up the Kleeneze business in earnest. It hasn't let us down - in fact, it has exceeded our expectations. The people - a great team; the rewards - trips to Monte Carlo, Budapest, Mauritius and Thailand; and the future - a growing residual income - all mean that our goals and dreams are becoming a reality.Alan Jones & Donna Blunt - Essex
Joining Kleeneze has allowed us to run our business around our full time commitments and demanding four month old twins. We currently earn £500+ every four weeks in retail profit alone and with the help and support of the Infinity Group the amount we earn will more then double within the next six months due to the building of our business. We are very fortunate and excited to be part of the Infinity Group. Everybody is made to feel welcome and everybody is treated equally and receives any help they may need.The best part of this particular group which you will not find in a job, is that everybody is so friendly, everybody is out to help everybody else and it is because they want to make your dreams come true. Not like in a job where people have to help people. We have made many new friends within the team. Kleeneze is not all work and no play; we have a lot of fun doing the activities that enables us to build our business there is so much to look forward to. With the help we are receiving, we are working towards our plan to become financially secure and to give everybody in our family the best things in life.Brian & Avril Lowdon – SurreyAfter running our own Insurance Brokerage for 35 years, we needed something to do when we sold the business. Kleeneze was the answer to our prayers. We can do as much or as little as we wish. If we need a bit more, we know we can get it by working a bit harder. We have met a wonderful group of new friends, and enjoy conferences, parties, dinners BBQs etc, with like minded people. We mostly retail, and earn a nice extra income, while doing something we really enjoy. We have support from everyone, while running our Kleeneze business at our own pace.Fred & Karen Mason - SurreyKaren’s background is from the world of finance where she worked in high street banking then moved into the training side of banking where she taught major banks all over the world how to use banking computer systems. My background is from the military (Ex RSM army) training arena and then working in the motor industry working for Honda cars and motorcycles.We saw an advert in the newspaper and looked into the company and researched the company for about two years. Our circumstances changed and we needed some extra money. We initially wanted to earn about £100 per week, which would enable us to pay some additional credit cards. In our first 3 weeks our Income cheque was £235.72, so we knew the system worked and we had our investment back in three weeks. After two months our income had risen over £400.00 every month and it continued to steadily increase and our highest cheque to date is £2066.26 for a four week period. We have enjoyed a great social life, great recognition and we have qualified for an all inclusive, totally paid long weekend to Marrakech, all courtesy of Kleeneze. Being part of the Infinity group we have access to some of the best training and support within Kleeneze which has enabled us to build our business.We have a list of places we want to see, things we want to do and to have no financial worries. We are both working towards retiring in the next year and having time to do all the things we want to do.Our dreams are becoming reality with this business.Leon Lawrence – MiddlesexOn being exposed to the massive potential of network marketing, I decided that this was my route to financial freedom, wealth and security, having being awakened from the illusion of ‘getting a good, secure job for life!!!’ A couple of networks and a redundancy later I discovered this opportunity. "Building my business on a part-time basis around commuting to a full time job in the city, I was able to not only recoup my initial investment with profit in my first 4 weeks but now my income has exceeded £2000 PART TIME". With tremendous support from my group and a proven system I have also qualified for an all expenses paid trip to Budapest 5* all the way. There is no limit to what can be achieved with this business!Jim Dale & Claire Daniels - HampshireWe started in the business to earn an extra £200 a month to pay off University student loans and help towards paying the mortgage on our first home together. We had also both had threats of redundancy in our jobs (Engineer and ex-Accounts Assistant) and wanted something to give us more security and control of our lives.In our first month we got back our initial investment and made a profit of £130 by following the simple, successful proven system we were taught within the Infinity Group. By developing our business we have been able to quit the rat race over 30 years early and enjoy working for ourselves earning around £1800 every four weeks. In June 2007 we qualified with team members for an all expenses paid luxury trip to Cannes. Kleeneze has given us time freedom, great income, lots of new friends and the ability to design our own fantastic future.Mike & Anne Barnaville - HampshireEx Purchasing Manager & Pensions AdministratorMike had experience of Network Marketing whilst living in Canada. Finding the Kleeneze Opportunity ticked all the boxes for Mike when he was made redundant. After six months, we both attended the Kleeneze Conference and Anne was inspired to become a distributor too. The system and support was there from day one and our retail income began to rise. We started team building in our second year and moved up the payplan to the level of Gold Distributors, also qualifying for the European Conference destination, an all expenses paid weekend in Prague – a fantastic experience!! Our ambition is to continue moving up the payplan by helping our team achieve their goals. Being a part of the Infinity Group provides us with excellent support from leaders who have personally had great success in Kleeneze because of their commitment to helping all members of their team through constant communication, and ongoing training and personal development.Steve & Laine Shepherd – SurreyWe first looked at the opportunity in March 2006 as the pub trade had been in decline for some time and we needed to earn a bit extra each week to cover the bills. We were already pretty busy running a pub, newsagents and local community directory as well as the normal running about when you have two children. However, we were impressed by Kleeneze’s low start up cost, zero stock holding and the support offered so decided to get started. We were told exactly what we needed to do and put our catalogues out twice a week. After two weeks we had placed orders over £350 and so were awarded a free gift from Kleeneze. We also achieved sales of £750 in our first four weeks and were sent a free retail kit. In our first period we earnt £235.52 which covered our initial investment and gave us profit.After realising that this business could actually work for us, we have steadily raised our income, now earning more than £1,000 per month. Recently our efforts really paid off when we qualified for a luxury trip to Cannes – all expenses paid. We have been supported each step of the way by everyone in the Infinity group and our line of sponsorship. Whenever we had a query, problem or wanted to talk through some ideas we just had to pick up the phone. The training meetings are excellent value and easy to understand and more importantly, fun. Anne & Sean McHugh - MiddlesexBoth Sean and I are self employed, run our own business and have two young children. In the autum of 2006, I was looking for something that I could do on a part-time basis to earn an extra income that would fit around my work committments and our busy family life. Having received a leaflet through our door - stating "Earn an extra Income" we decided to investigate and did some research on the internet. We decided that this opportunty was for us and joined in November 2006. In our first 3 weeks in the business we earned £517.14, which well and truly covered our intitial investment. Being part of the Infinity Group has proven to us that the system in place works, the training and support received from leaders who have achieved tremendous success within Kleeneze has helped to grow our business. We are very excited about our future and know that by following the system we too can have great success. To date our largest cheque has been £1,814.92Steve & Debbie Roper - EssexAfter working our Kleeneze business part-time for 5 years our income exceeded £1000 per week which enabled Steve to return his Co car and walk away from a well paid job, escaping the rat-race forever! Whilst Steve was still in a job we qualified for Conferences to Monaco, Cairns Australia, Monaco a second time, South Africa, Athens and Sydney (and were awarded a Mini Cooper). We have since qualified for 2 further conferences, to Budapest and Mauritius. In 2005 we were awarded The Distributor of the Year for Gavin Scott's Terrier Group - the biggest group in Kleeneze which includes the Fast Forward Group. In 2007 were awarded The Distributor of the Year for Bob Webb's Fast Forward Group - the highest status, highest earning Team in Kleeneze. We are enjoying supporting our team to help them to achieve these extra rewards and grow their incomes. The freedom, the rewards and the camaraderie are just brilliant!
Anthony Mervin kleeneze story
I joined the Kleeneze business to supplement my income. I found the retail side of the business very simple, put the catalogues out and collect the catalogues in! Using common sense and excellent customer service the retail side of the business has really taken off. In my first 4 weeks in the business I processed orders of £660, I am now processing orders of over £6000 in a 4 week period! It is great to be able to confidently share with my team, all the tips and advice I have gathered that will ensure their Kleeneze business becomes as successful as mine and likewise they can show their team members the same.The decision to try the Kleeneze business was the best decision I have ever made, with no stock to hold, staff wages, or overheads such as rent and rates to cover. It has enabled me to give up my own traditional retail business and go full time with Kleeneze. With Kleeneze I don’t have to consider any of the conventional worries faced by a person running their own business, in fact, I only have the benefits, plus there is an added benefit of Kleeneze being a home based business. My Kleeneze work is very flexible, I am my still my own boss, plus I have a fantastic upline who help me every step of the way, I am in business for myself but not by myself.
here ia anthony kleeneze picture a cheque
kleeneze is a great work from home opportunity
here ia anthony kleeneze picture a cheque
kleeneze is a great work from home opportunity
Friday, 16 January 2009
kleeneze bulksales period 12 2008
here are the kleeneze bulksales from period12 2008, .
never in the history of kleeneze has there been more people looking for a opportunity in 2009 in uk, ireland , netherlands and germany. retail sales on the high street are down, however the kleeneze catalogues are producing massive results. which team,s are going to grow the most in 2009. more activity = more results of new agents in kleeneze
never in the history of kleeneze has there been more people looking for a opportunity in 2009 in uk, ireland , netherlands and germany. retail sales on the high street are down, however the kleeneze catalogues are producing massive results. which team,s are going to grow the most in 2009. more activity = more results of new agents in kleeneze
Thursday, 1 January 2009
no credit crunch here
listen to these mega stoires from kleeneze, we are looking for agents that want to blow the credt crunch away in the uk, ireland, netherlands and germany
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