Dave & Karin Harris kleeneze story
to see there picture and kleeneze cheque click here
Dave & Karin Harris
Dave had worked in Further Education for 13 years on leaving the Army
after 18 ½ years. He then worked for 3 years as a manager for a local
charity until he was made redundant in 2011. We knew Kleeneze
worked as we had joined in April 2008 and worked it part-time around
our full-time jobs. Dave took the plunge and decided to go full-time in
the business on 4th July 2011. I had been working as a College Lecturer
and for the last 4 years as a Tutor/ Careers Adviser in a local prison. On
May 9th this year and the day before the Kleeneze conference I leftfulltime employment to dedicate more time on ourbusiness.
Why we joined
We have been married 9years and we had to take on a huge mortgage in our late forties/early fifties. We love
holidays even just going away with our friends for the weekend but we were finding that we could not afford these
pleasures even working full-time. Our friends had just bought a touring caravan and we looked at our finances and
realised that we could not afford to buy one.
I came across an advertisement to earn some extra money while looking in the free ads for a cheap caravan. This
was to turn out to be the answer we had been looking for. We were VERY sceptical at first, but after meeting with
our sponsor and reading the information pack we could see that the company was well established and as we only
had to invest a small amount of money we thought it was worth a go. What we also l iked was that we could do this
together and fit it around our existing commitments.
We realised we could make our money back very
quickly and then we would review the situation. In
our first 12 weeks of doing Kleenezewe earned cheques
totalling £1092.75. This was the proof that we needed
and we continued to earn on average £650 per 4 week
(Not bad for a part-time income!)
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