Thursday, 6 October 2011

steve jessop kleeneze story

My name is Steve Jessop; I work my kleeneze business around my full time job as an engineer. to see steve kleeneze cheques click here

When I got started I did not see the big picture, or maybe I didn’t believe it. I now know that I didn’t believe I was capable of successfully coaching and leading a team of people, so I successfully talked myself out of the idea.

I did know however that I could put catalogues out, so I got busy doing that. My first month in the business I achieved; FSB 1 & 2, 13% bonus level and was made a member of the 1K club, my reward is the cheque you see below.

After attending my first 10 steps meeting in October last year, I was inspired and made the decision on that day that I would start building my business. This is because I understood that if I just follow the team building system, just like I did the retail system I would achieve the same results as the people that I was in the room with.

Now what kicked it up a notch was my first Rob Foster seminar in Sheffield, he had Alan & Elaine Moffat speaking that day. Once I had heard all three of their stories and what they had achieved and where they had come from, I thought to myself; if they can do it, then so can I!

So I then made the decision to become very, very successful!
Below is my cheque one year on, from achieving a gold level business. Also I am now in qualification for Miami 2012.
Was this last year hard work? Did I have times when I thought, what’s the point?

Of course; but I have learned more quality, practical information than I ever have. I have met the most extraordinary and enthusiastic people I’ve ever met and made a lot of new friends.

My goals for the next 10 months; Achieve Bronze exec, have a £2500 cheque, be 15 active wide, be number one in the top 50 new business sales and sack the boss!

more exciting kleeneze storys click here

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